Here's to You, My Sweet Little...

My dear sweet baby boy...

I cannot believe that you turn TWO tomorrow! I literally blinked and you grew from a baby into a little boy. I don't know how we ever lived our lives without you... you are such a feisty little one! A lot like your mama... you look like me, you pitch fits like me, you are opinionated like me... (don't tell Daddy I admitted to all of that, okay?).

From the day you were born you have had a special place in my heart. Your first couple of years have been a little rocky. Your entire first year, I held my breath until your birthday because you had been so sick. A week in the NICU at birth, a week in the PICU at 3 months, countless double ear infections, colic... it was a year! Your second year has been interesting... you scream A LOT. You know what you want and when you want it and if someone has a different idea, you tend to get very angry. Again, you most likely get that from your mommy... granted, it isn't flattering but here's the good news... we are fighters, you and I. We have a can do spirit that beats and yearns inside of us to do what others say that we cannot. I believe it's God given and we can use it for His glory and design. My tenacity has saved my life... perhaps yours will change the world.

I am convinced that God has big plans for you, Jonah Landon. When you were about 7 months old, I read a quote at a restaurant called Jonah's and it went like this: "darkness engulfed me and tried to overtake me, but you, Lord rescued me from the pit." It was Jonah's prayer from the belly of the whale and the moment I read it, the Lord spoke to my heart these words: "the enemy has tried to take Jonah's life twice and I have spared His life."... I had prayed for you, my love, but after that, I began to pray for God's purpose and plan for your life like never before. Our God is so faithful to us, Jonah... I pray that you will know Him from a young age and that you will spend your life devoted to serving Him and walking in His will for you.

Our days together are sometimes long but the years are much too short and I want you to know that even though most days, I'm really tired... I adore you! Every scream, every temper tantrum, every item thrown to the floor is forgotten when you climb into my lap and wrap your arms around my neck or when you say "mommy". I thank my sweet Jesus every single day that He allowed me to be your mommy and I will spend my life fiercely loving you and seeking to do my very best to honor the gift He gave me in you.

Happy 2nd Birthday, my little!

All my love,


A few of my favorites of YOU...

One of your ultrasound pictures
Mommy and Jonah... I loved being pregnant with you!
Our first kiss
Our first photo with you
It was a scary first night... and few days

First time Mommy got to hold you.

Eli & Jonah meet
4 sets of feet...
Cute little pumpkin
First Christmas

Happy New Year 2015

Our week in the PICU... scary stuff




Silly Jonah

One of Mommy's favorites

First Birthday photos

Cute little baby butt

2nd Christmas... boy that personality just shines through

In Daddy's shoes

Stylish... before your ear surgery.

You look like this 95% of the time... I still love you!

Hunting practice

Cute moo cow!

You are a church baby...

Too cool

Silly boy!
